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SD 11: Scott Wiener

Scott Weiner

After getting his law degree at Harvard, Scott Wiener served the public as a Deputy City Attorney, a member of the SF Board of Supervisors, chair of the SF County Transportation Authority, and a member of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission.  Senator Wiener has also been active leading numerous community and civic groups focused on human rights. 

California State Senator Scott Wiener is a nationally-recognized leader in the fight to protect our climate. Last year he successfully authored a first-in-the-nation law requiring large companies doing business in California to publicly disclose carbon emissions from their supply chains, operations and the use of their products. 

His concern for people and the environment has a local angle too – Senator Wiener is known for innovative legislation to address the housing shortage and transportation challenges in the Bay Area. He knows that clearing obstacles to housing and supporting public transit improves people’s lives by limiting the sprawl that results in long, fuel-burning commutes. He knows that we need to quickly transition to a 100% clean economy.

Senator Wiener’s accomplishments have earned him Climate Action California’s support. He both understands the issues we care about and he knows how to get things done in Sacramento. We can trust Scott Wiener to look out for the climate, for us, and for future generations.
